An official photograph is a vital document in your visa application to obtain UK visa from Dubai. In case, someone does not follow the official requirement for the photo and does not submit it in a proper size or the required manner to the officials, their visa will be rejected. We have so many cases with the same issue. In this article, we will discuss the actual UK visa photo requirements including their size specification, and what should be followed while getting your photo ready and will also provide you with photo examples that will increase the chances of your visa approval.
An applicant should be conscious of the following points when they get clicked for their photo in UK visa application:
Every country has their own requirements as the documents and the dimensions. Follow these specification details for the UK visa photo condition to avoid any rejection of your visa application:
Some common mistakes in your UK visa photo leads to the cancellation of your application. Here is the list of those mistakes that one can take care of:
While applying for the children visa, you should be careful of these tips while getting their photograph ready:
What is the Photo Rule for a UK Visa?
Basic photo rules for the UK visa are as follow:
Basic photo rules for the UK visa are as follow:
Background should be plain light or white. shadowed or patterned can leads to the visa rejection.
Photo must be printed on a good quality paper.
It should be clearly visible and in high resolution.
Why Do Passport Photos Get Rejected?
It got rejected for several reasons (if it denies the above-mentioned requirements), such as the blurred photo attached with the application or the face is not clearly visible or person in not looking into the frame or any other objects appears in the photo or a person is wearing hat or any head objects or photo quality of the applicant is not good or the photo has been taken longer ago (before 2, 3 months).
Are Glasses Allowed in UK Visa Application Photographs?
In general it is not allowed, however in serious medical condition, one can wear the medical glass that shows clear reflection.
Can I Wear Glasses Sunglasses or Tinted Glasses in My Passport Photo?
No, it will lead to you visa application rejection.