Schengen Visa from Dubai

If you are Dubai resident planning a trip to any of the 29 countries in the Schengen area, we have this Schengen visa from Dubai guide for you. Arooha Tours will assist you obtain the Schengen visa in Dubai for a smooth travel experience.
With Schengen visa you will be able to visit any country in Schengen area using one visa. All the countries in Schengen area have a common visa policy and with a Schengen visa for one country can use to enter all countries in the area.
You can learn all about Schengen visa in this guide from the requirements when applying for the visa, application process, costs and so much more.

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schengen Visa from dubai

01 What Is a Schengen Visa?

The Schengen Visa is an authorization you get if you want to visit any country in Schengen area. There are 29 countries in Schengen are and with a single visa you can visit all of them.

When applying for a Schengen visa you are supposed to submit your application to the country which you will enter first of depend most of the time. The allowed time for stay is 90 day within 180 days for short term visits.

02 What Are the Schengen Countries?

The Schengen area is comprised of 29 countries. All these countries came to an agreement to abolish all internal borders allow their citizen to visit visa free and also have am common visa policy.

There is a slight difference when applying for each country Schengen visa and the documents required during application.

Here is a list of all Schengen countries:

Austria Greece Norway
Belgium Hungary Poland
Bulgaria Iceland Portugal
Croatia Italy Romania
the Czech Republic Latvia Slovakia
Denmark Liechtenstein Slovenia
Estonia Lithuania Spain
Finland Luxembourg Sweden
France Malta Switzerland
Germany the Netherlands

03 Who needs Schengen visa from Dubai?

All national who their country don’t have a bilateral visa agreement with EU and is not citizen from Schengen country need a Schengen visa to enter Schengen area.

The kind of visa you need to enter Schengen area depends on the reason of visit. Also, you should apply for the Schengen visa to the country which you enter first or spend most of the time.

04 Schengen Visa exempted countries

If you are a passport holder form the below countries you can travel to Schengen area without a visa for a short stay period of up to 90 days.

1. Albania 22. Israel 43. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
2. Andorra 23. Japan 44. Samoa
3. Antigua and Barbuda 24. Kiribati 45. San Marino
4. Argentina 25. Macau 46. Serbia
5. Australia 26. Macedonia 47. Seychelles
6. Bahamas 27. Malaysia 48. Singapore
7. Barbados 28. Marshall islands 49. Solomon Islands
8. Bosnia and Herzegovina 29. Mauritius 50. South Korea
9. Brazil 30. Mexico 51. Taiwan
10. Brunei 31. Micronesia 52. Timor Leste
11. Canada 32. Moldova 53. Tonga
12. Chile 33. Monaco 54. Trinidad and Tobago
13. Colombia 34. Montenegro 55. Tuvalu
14. Costa Rica 35. New Zealand 56. Ukraine
15. Dominica 36. Nicaragua 57. United States Of America
16. El Salvador 37. Palau 58. United Kingdom
17. Georgia 38. Panama 59. United Arab Emirates
18. Grenada 39. Paraguay 60. Uruguay
19. Guatemala 40. Perú 61. Vanuatu city
20. Honduras 41. St Kitts & Nevis 62. Venezuela
21. Hong Kong 42. Saint Lucia

05 Types of Schengen Visa from Dubai

The Schengen visas are categorized into 3 main categories:

  1. Uniform Schengen Visas (USV)
  2. Limited Territorial Validity Visas (LTV)
  3. National Visas

1. Uniform Schengen Visas

If you are visiting Schengen area for a short period of time up to 90 day you should apply for visa as under this category.

The type of visa you should apply under this category depends on your purpose of your trip. Here are the specific visas you can apply for:

Tourist visa

The applicant for this visa their reason for visiting Schengen are is supposed to the leisure and tourism purposes

Business visa

If your trip to Schengen area is to engage into business related activities you are required to apply for this visa.

Airport Transit

If you have to enter Schengen area for a flight change to a destination outside the area this sis the visa you ar4e supposed to apply. You should check if you are required to apply for this visa according to the country you will enter.

2. Limited Territorial Validity Visas (LTV)

In this second category of Schengen visas, you are only permitted to enter and stay in the Schengen country you applied visa to and you cannot use that visa to enter any other country in Schengen area.

3. National Visas

In this third category, these are visas which are issued to those who want to enter Schengen area for a long stay either to study, work or permeant stay.

06 Schengen Visa from Dubai Requirements

The following are the documents you have to gather when applying for Schengen visa for quick visa approval.

Original Passport Passport

You should have a valid passport when applying for Schenegn visa and not older than 10 years with at least 2 blank pagfes for visa stamping.

Original Passport UAE Residence Permit

Your Dubai residence visa should be at least 3 months valid from the time you leave the Schengen area.

Original Passport Residence Visa

UAE Residence visa valid for at least three months to the return date

Original Passport Photograph

The photos are supposed to be 2 colored and taken recently not older than 3 months. They also should meet other standards set by International Civil Organization (ICAO).

Original PassportCover Letter

The letter should have elaborate details about your purpose of visiting Schengen area, the travel dates, where you will be visiting among other essential details about your trip.

Original PassportTravel Insurance

The travel insurance should be issued by accepted Insurance Company. The policy should be stating they will cover the costs in case of medical emergency and expatriation anywhere in Schengen area. The minimum cover should be at least 30,000 Euros.

Original PassportFlight Itinerary

You should submit documents showing you have booked round-trip flight tickets showing the exact entry and departure dates from the Schengen area.

Original Passport Proof of Accommodation

After you enter Schengen area you have to show evidence you have where you will be to staying. You can submit documents such as hotel reservation or an invitation letter if you will be hosted by friends or relatives.

Original PassportProof of Finances

Some of the documents you can submit as evidence you have enough money to cover your expenses in Schengen area include three months’ bank statements to prove that you can afford your stay.

Original PassportCivil Status Documents

For proof of your civial ststaus yoiu can submit any submit a birth certificate (for applicants below 18 years), a marriage license, a ration card, or the death certificate of a spouse.

schengen Visa from dubai

07 How to apply for Schengen visa from Dubai

You can apply for Schengen visa from Dubai by following these steps:


Contact Arooha visa consultant


Gather all required documents


Pay the consultation and visa fee


Fill out visa application form


Book for you appointment date at the country Embassy which you enter first to submit he application


Attend the appointment and submit your visa application, biometric and attend the interview (if necessary)


Processing of the visa will start


Receive notification once the visa is processed.

This is how to apply for a Schengen visa from Dubai.

08 What is the cost of Schengen visa from Dubai?

Sweden Visa Application Visa Fee in Euro
Sweden Visa for adult travelers 80
Sweden Visa for children (6 – 12 years) 40
Sweden Visa for children (under six years) FREE

Note: The prices are exclusion of consultation fees.

09 What is the processing time for Schengen visa?

When you submit your Schengen visa application with all required documents it takes 15 working days and will receive application decision.

If the embassy needs to examine the application ore request additional documents the processing time can be longer up to 45 working days.


How Long Can I Stay In Europe With a Schengen Visa?

You should check the visa sticker on your passport to know the exactly time can stay bin Schengen area under “Duration of visit” Section.
If you applied for a short term stay visa usually the allowed time for stay is up to 90 days within 180 days.

Where do I apply for my Schengen Visa?

You should apply for Schengen visa to the embassy, consulate or visa application center representing the country where you will enter first or spend most of the time during your visit in Schengen area.

How can I extend my Schengen visa?

You can extend Schengen visa top the country where you entered first. Your reason for requesting extension should be exceptional for your request to be approved.